
Living with FIRE and Traveling Full-Time: Nomad Numbers

If someone told you that you could retire in your thirties, would you take it to heart, or would you secretly laugh in sheer disbelief? There was a time I would’ve chosen the latter. But not anymore.

Financial Independence is a term that you may have come across, perhaps thinking it only applied to people who were born wealthy, but that couldn’t be more wrong. There are many people today who are embracing the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) lifestyle at ages that are far below typical retirement age, and it isn’t because they were born into monetary wealth. It is due to very careful planning, lifestyle changes, and the understanding that it is possible to retire much earlier than expected. 

Just take a moment to search online and you’ll find numerous examples, perhaps even today’s featured guests who are a great example of a couple who has achieved Financial Independence. This couple has not only retired in their thirties, but they are also traveling full-time, internationally, for much less than they ever spent when living and working from home in California.